
Month: July 2022

The Future of Digital Marketing

Without a doubt, the start of the pandemic in 2020 resulted in many of the significant events that occurred in 2022. However, 2023 is promising and has a lot to offer in terms of fresh perspectives and expanded reach. It helps to know what’s new and coming in the next few years for any marketing expert, business owner, or organisation trying to exploit 2023 trends.

It’s nearly impossible to predict what prospects the future of digital marketing may bring because the industry is changing so quickly and drastically. In the past year or so, we have witnessed the emergence of new technologies, a kind of social media backlash, and influencer marketing’s development into a strong and independent marketing channel. What do I believe to be the most important trends in content marketing for 2023 and beyond?

A Globalized Shared Mission

Digital marketing as a whole has already established itself as crucial. But before implementing new digital marketing strategies or running advertisements, more companies will embrace a common and global viewpoint. A global viewpoint would enable companies of all sizes to broaden their clientele and streamline different procedures.

Furthermore, small firms and entrepreneurs would be able to develop trust with the intended audience by using marketing messaging across a variety of digital media. Additionally, it will support businesses in overcoming market mistrust and reinforcing their value proposition.

SEO, Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence

The world of digital marketing now includes elements like AI, data analytics, and SEO. Businesses will automate more digital operations as AI develops, and they will base their decisions on data analytics insights.

According to one report, automation will be used to carry out more than 85% of digital advertising in the near future. But there will also be changes in “how” you gather and present data analytics tool insights. More companies would focus their attention on intelligent technologies that classify audiences and configure ad space using comprehensive data analysis and automated programmatic advertising.

Heightened Personalization

KPI tracking and other digital marketing technologies will continue to be crucial components of tailored targeting. Personalised targeting has emerged as a key ingredient in order to launch successful advertising campaigns and communicate with the target population. Each component of an advertisement is crucial and enables companies to convey value through narrative.

Entrepreneurs and small firms will need to be more critical and think back on prior efforts in the new age of digital marketing. For instance, the more specific language used in an advertisement communicates the brand’s purpose and confidence. Users will also favour companies that are unapologetic about their main message.

The Use of Augmented Reality

AR technologies are at the top of the list of tech solutions that make it simpler for small enterprises to engage with their audience. The deployment of augmented reality technologies by numerous startups is expected to result in significant growth over the next few years. The majority of digital marketing professionals think that augmented reality will be extremely important in the future and will aid eCommerce companies in forging new ground.

Voice Optimization

Digital marketing activities will be able to be more categorised and objective as there will be a greater reliance on automated digital assistant solutions. Voice search, whether it be through Cortana, Alexa, Google Assistant, or Siri, keeps growing in popularity. More users prefer speaking directly to a personal digital assistant versus typing on a keyboard.

It’s noteworthy to note that keyword optimization for voice-based search is completely different. And the reason for this is that people utilise more realistic and useful keywords and phrases when they want to adapt and start using their digital voice assistant. Digital marketers will concentrate on a more unique SEO technique to optimise business sites for voice search as the voice recognition capabilities of digital assistants advance.

More than 70% of people with one or more activated digital assistants prefer to utilise voice commands over typing tasks, but you might not be aware of this. Voice recognition and SEO both use the same underlying strategy. However, the focus will be on a new type of word or phrase that people use on a daily basis. As a result of the growth of speech recognition technologies, digital marketers will be able to target more precise voice search results for ad campaigns and strengthen SEO efforts.

Google agrees that digital assistants’ voice recognition is nearly 95% accurate. Digital marketers will, however, utilise more naturally occurring long-tail keywords than general text-oriented ones as a result of the more accurate voice recognition search results.

An Omnichannel and Integrated Approach

Entrepreneurs and small businesses are no longer required to limit their online presence to a single Facebook page. Businesses are expected to be active on a variety of digital channels and platforms as market expectations and consumer desires grow.

Fortunately, organisations can already maintain a cohesive omnipresence thanks to platforms like Hootsuite. Businesses will be able to integrate their main message and value offer for a particular target audience across a variety of channels in the upcoming years. More companies will be able to comprehend the shifting preferences, locations, and behaviours of their customers thanks to an integrated omnichannel digital marketing approach.

Expect More Awareness

Whether you employ digital marketing for lead generation, conversion, or brand awareness, you need a sizable target audience. Given the increased market and consumer knowledge, the future of digital marketing is promising.

Businesses can utilise a broad variety of intelligent technologies to gather a vast amount of data and conduct in-depth studies of their target market. It’s a whole novel strategy for engaging the audience. In fact, thorough consumer and market research enables organisations to take advantage of unrealized potential. It’s not necessary for businesses to comprehend every aspect of new technology. Of course, a smart tool’s mechanics are important, but companies that intend to widen their digital marketing strategy will benefit the most. Innovation will become crucial for B2C and B2B players primarily because of this.


In the last decade, digital marketing has been through significant upswings. From social media to search engine optimization, digital marketing continues to impact billions of users positively. With more advanced tools and practices, digital marketing will continue to propel companies to step up their competitive drive in the market. Digital marketing has experienced substantial growth during the past ten years. The good effects of digital marketing continue to reach billions of consumers, from social media to search engine optimization. Digital marketing will continue to drive businesses to increase their competitive drive in the market with more sophisticated tools and techniques.

Small firms and entrepreneurs may now enhance their ROI and launch successful advertising campaigns thanks to digital marketing. With time, the efficacy of digital marketing strategies will increase to unprecedented levels, enabling businesses to fully utilise AI, SEO, AR, and VR strategies. Many current trends in digital marketing may or may not succeed in the years to come. The new wave of digital marketing, in contrast to the conventional strategy, revolves around consumer behaviour. It goes without saying that new strategic digital marketing initiatives will allow companies to establish a new standard.

Artificial Intelligence- AI in digital marketing

Artificial intelligence, or AI, may sound contradictory, yet it actually advances technical advancements, boosts productivity, and automates procedures to make our society smarter. The formerly science fiction-only concept of AI is now starting to gradually affect how we conduct our daily lives. AI is being applied more and more in the world of digital marketing, improving pay-per-click advertising, personalizing websites, supplying content, forecasting behaviour, and other processes. In 2018, 84 percent of marketing firms will either start using AI and machine learning for the first time or enhance their current usage. Marketers are quickly becoming aware of the advantages of the technology.

Businesses can use AI in one of two ways to improve their digital marketing. One is when marketers employ AI to perform backend operations like programmatic ad buying, customer profiling, and demand estimation for clients. The second is the customer-facing element, where marketers use AI to improve the customer experience, hence boosting the brand’s recognition and revenue. In fact, 75% of companies that employ AI and machine learning assert that it boosts client satisfaction by more than 10%. 

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

The broad topic of artificial intelligence (AI) in computer science is concerned with developing intelligent machines that are capable of doing activities that traditionally require human intelligence. The phrase typically refers to the goal of building systems that have cognitive capacities similar to those of humans, such as the ability to reason, find meaning, generalise, or learn from experience. 

How does AI transform digital marketing scenarios?

Several industries are being transformed by artificial intelligence. Brands are active in a wide range of industries, including technology, banking, and retail. Brands are now interacting with their audiences through artificial intelligence. It’s an experiment to see how conversational marketing affects their daily activities.

AI is making it possible for hyper-personalization through customised product recommendations, intelligent content recommendations, and suggestions for customer support as machine learning technology develops.

As a result, the way digital marketers link businesses to their audiences is evolving. We’ll now take a closer look at a few examples of how AI is transforming digital marketing.

Marketing that is highly targeted

A key aspect of focused marketing is persuading your potential customers to agree with you. How do you persuade someone you don’t know, though? using artificial intelligence (AI) in intelligent design for individualised customer experiences, consumer prediction segmentation, or virtual assistants. Traditional advertising is less effective than marketing that focuses on people based on their general preferences. Furthermore, thanks to the development of artificial intelligence, marketers may now use personalised data to assess a potential customer’s interest in making a purchase before asking for payment.

Marketing that is personalised and automated

Do you wish to completely automate your targeted digital marketing? You can, of course. Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) make for a great combination that results in highly individualised marketing. Businesses can significantly improve their competitive position in the client market, increasing sales in the wake of the pandemic. Automation using artificial intelligence (AI) technology is possible for pay-per-click (PPC) ads, display ads, conversion rates, search engine marketing (SEM), keyword research, SEO, and social media marketing (SMM).

Increase your knowledge of your customers.

AI helps companies analyse vast amounts of data and forecast each customer’s purchasing behaviour and decisions. You may now precisely market to a certain audience thanks to this. It also contributes to higher levels of consumer satisfaction. Additionally, in order to enhance conversions, marketers may simply turn a lead into a sale at the appropriate times using AI-driven methods.

Content marketing powered by AI

The secret to successful marketing is finding the right clients and communicating with them at the appropriate moment. This can occasionally be accomplished by carrying out market research to discover what people are worried about from a cultural and societal standpoint, as well as by looking at macro-level data about the target market, such as age group, income, and education level.

Separate the material and arrange it into something you can provide to your audience if you want them to read your message. In this case, artificial intelligence can be useful. The dissemination of content is increasingly using artificial intelligence. By finding themes that are likely to spark interest and providing content with a laser-like concentration on those subjects, it helps.

Artificial intelligence-powered customer relationship management

AI is essential to customer relationship management. Businesses can receive real-time insights about how customers interact through the various communication platforms they use. Before selecting the best course of action, users can automatically assign problems to the appropriate support group using statistical models. Chatbots may offer expertise through automated processes, which is a very effective technique to increase the clientele. Identify the prospects with the best potential of becoming customers by analysing consumer data, and then assist businesses in fostering these connections. 

The future of digital marketing

More individualised marketing: As AI develops, algorithms will be able to infer psychological traits and demands from social media usage. It will also open up new possibilities for more specialised marketing. Only people who need their items will receive funding from businesses. Engaging customer service will result in more engaging and personalised customer service. Consumer support software called chatbots can perform a variety of activities, including answering customer questions, delivering information about products and services, and even driving sales. 

Simple tools for finding and recommending products: Product searches and suggestions will be more accurate. Voice search is getting more and more common as AI technology advances. Many companies have started to experiment with augmented reality in an effort to improve the shopping experience for their customers. Customers will be able to view the products they are offering more clearly as a result.

Advanced data processing and analysis: In this situation, humans are unable to analyze enormous amounts of data in an efficient manner; here is where machine learning algorithms excel. As AI technology swiftly catches up to the volume of data collected, we can now use it to make better use of the data we collect. If you choose to disregard the benefits and possibilities of AI in marketing, your company will ultimately lag behind its competitors in a world where technology is becoming more and more significant.

Advanced artificial intelligence can be frightening, but marketing software that uses it is generally user-friendly and easy to integrate with existing systems. If you haven’t already, yesterday was the ideal day to explore the world of AI-powered martech. It has been established that AI is a useful tool for marketers. It has significantly sped up the process and altered how marketing is done. However, it still has to be much improved in terms of practicality and efficiency.

The Ultimate Guide to Video Marketing

How much more valuable is a video if a picture speaks a thousand words? This is the fundamental idea behind video marketing, a proactive marketing tactic that incorporates compelling video into your advertising campaigns. Everything from client relationship building to advertising your brand, services, or products can be done with video marketing. Additionally, video marketing can be used as a platform to distribute viral (entertaining) content, advertise customer testimonials, present how-tos, and live-stream events.

Why is video marketing important?

The use of video in marketing is becoming increasingly popular among companies of all kinds, including startups and small businesses. According to a Survey, videos increased: sales by 34%, traffic by 51%, and brand recognition by 70% for enterprises. Isn’t the outcome truly amazing?

How to develop a video marketing strategy?

Choosing your goals is the first step in creating a video marketing strategy. What do you want viewers of your company’s video to think and feel? Define your metrics in addition to your objectives. Which metrics—conversion rates, click-through rates, video views, or the proportion of viewers who respond to a call to action—will you use to assess the success of your video? What your messaging should be and the kind of video content you should create will be determined by these two options.

Your digital marketing plan will also be impacted by where in the sales funnel your target customer is located. Are they at the beginning of the funnel, just starting to interact with your brand, at the end of the funnel, becoming a devoted client, or somewhere in between?

Prospective clients are more emotionally motivated at the very top of the funnel. You don’t want to overwhelm your potential customers with technical messaging while launching your brand for the first time. Your video content gives you the chance to influence their mentality as they progress through the conversion funnel. The following video marketing message can start by addressing their inquiries and providing them with additional details. If your audience consists of loyal followers, your message will probably revolve around feelings in order to strengthen and deepen their relationship with your company.

After choosing the kind of material to create, you should choose where to publish it. A medium like television that doesn’t do any targeting might be adequate for raising awareness in general. You’ll need to be more targeted in your approach if you want to convert specific personas. What are your retargeting pools, you could ask? What specific users are you trying to reach? Where can you locate them?

Finally, without taking context into account, your video marketing plan is incomplete. Regardless of the marketing medium, context is key in videos. It doesn’t matter what someone is watching when your ad interrupts it, or whose website they are visiting when your video appears in a banner. Connect your business to high-quality, timely information.

The Benefits of Video Marketing

You can connect with your audience better via video. Today, a large portion of a company’s marketing initiatives are made to promote trust. Customers can see behind the scenes and get to know your brand through video, which serves as a link between what you say and who you really are.

With its ability to increase traffic to your website, create backlinks to it, and increase likes and shares (all of which can affect search rankings), video is an SEO gold mine. Additionally, don’t forget to upload your videos to YouTube and tag them with as many keywords and key phrases as you can! YouTube is owned by Google!

Videos help people retain knowledge. In contrast, if what they hear is accompanied by pertinent images, they will often recall an average of 65% of that information three days later. If your clients merely hear something, they are likely to retain approximately 10% of that information.

Online traffic will be made up, according to estimates, 74% of video content. Your clients will adore the video. Potential customers also enjoy watching videos, so effective video marketing can draw in new clients. The term “video” in email subject lines increases open rates by 19 percent and click-through rates by 65 percent.

The Challenges of Video Marketing

Once upon a time, the expense of video marketing equipment, editing software, and, from the viewpoint of the end user, the data cost of watching internet video posed a significant hurdle. These difficulties are largely in the past at this time. Yes, you still need to budget for decent equipment, editing software, and a distribution platform, and yes, you still need a marketing staff with experience in video. However, these are all manageable challenges.

The most difficult aspects of video marketing are actually strategic: how to develop a strong and efficient plan, how to produce material that viewers want to watch, and how to produce interesting films that are shared. The success of a video and its opportunities for improvement are indicated by analytics, which video content marketers need to grasp thoroughly.

How will video marketing change in the future?

The art of audience targeting will continue to advance, becoming even more crucial to video marketing strategy. Due to legal changes that will take effect in early 2022, the era of cookie-based advertising, which allowed marketers to purchase anonymous cookies of people who met certain criteria, is set to come to an end. Instead, in order to share data sets and target audiences on particular platforms, marketers will need to forge direct agreements. By far, this is the most efficient way to make sure you are targeting the proper audience, understand which messages will resonate with them, and avoid squandering your advertising budget.

Over the coming years, the dynamic video will likewise become more prevalent. The ability to overlay text over a video that is customised for each individual viewer based on the information you’ve gathered from sources like a product page they’ve visited or a pricing point that’s previously attracted their attention could be one feature of dynamic video.

A different example may entail marketing teams taking many frames of a video and combining particular views to optimize for different audience personas. For instance, a travel agency promoting beach holidays might switch around several beach pictures depending on the viewer’s circumstances, such as a family with children playing in the waves, a newlywed couple walking hand in hand on the beach, or retirees playing bingo and sipping cocktails.

A third method for creating dynamic videos involves using editing software and a green screen to add various brand or product components to a video after it has been produced. Consider yourself watching a show on your preferred streaming platform. The main character is seen eating a bowl of cereal in the scene. One observer notices a box of a well-known cereal for breakfast. One more viewer notices an almond milk carton. Another is observing the identical meal being prepared next to a carton of frozen waffles. Depending on what you’ve already purchased or what businesses are hoping you’ll purchase based on your personal data, that’s what you’ll see.