

Tips to Achieve UI Design Mastery

User interface design, or UI, is frequently confused with user experience design, or UX, which places a greater emphasis on a product’s functionality and how an interface functions. Together, UI and UX may produce a truly successful design that connects with the user when done strategically. For the time being, let’s focus on the best UI design principles that are essential to creating an efficient interface.

What is UI? 

At the moment, the majority of the ways we interact with businesses and products come via our digital devices. The user interface, or UI, has grown to be crucial to a company’s success in connecting with customers. What then is a user interface? It deals with the general structure, appearance, and design of any visual interface that users interact with. This covers things like menu selections, images, and text style, among other things. Together, these components construct an effective form of communication that has been carefully planned.

UI Design Best Practices

Layouts & Content 

describing the user’s intent. Any page’s general information or material should always be condensed and organised logically. The entire design of an interface must reflect its genuine purpose and intended use in order for it to be effective. Sometimes less really is more when it comes to designing an effective and eye-catching layout. A basic design and a finite quantity of information are good principles to keep in mind. The user is more easily guided to choose and carry out the next action when the options are limited. A user may not be able to determine what action to take next if there are too many items, copies, or distractions on a website.

When it comes to mobile design, specific activities like tapping and swiping should be taken into account. However, hovering and clicking are used on a desktop. When developing multifarious interface elements, it is important to keep in mind the various activities a user may do to establish context. A fantastic example is a dating app, where users quickly discover that all they need to do to see another prospective match is swipe left or right. Best UI techniques may make an interface appear user-friendly and natural.

Understand Your Audience 

A platform’s or service’s actual users must be understood in order to design an efficient user interface. Understanding the true goal of a product and the demands or issues you are trying to address with a platform or brand you are establishing are necessary for this. To fully understand the user’s objectives and needs, this may entail giving consumers surveys or feedback forms.

Type Hierarchy 

Clearly communicating what is most important to the user and what is less important requires the thoughtful use of various font sizes and weights. The eye will always gravitate toward the largest text on a page before moving to a smaller one. A subheadline, on the other hand, may be in a smaller font with a standard or less bolded weight whereas a blog title is frequently an H1 headline, making it the largest and strongest font.

Interface Elements 

A successful UI design is mostly dependent on the buttons, icons, notifications, etc. of a design. It’s crucial to keep the stylization of each piece constant throughout the project when generating these elements. This is crucial for developing items with various states, such as buttons that indicate whether a user is taking an action or not.

For buttons, for example, there are hover states and clicked states that help to make it clear to the user that action has been taken. When designing an interface, familiarity is key. For example, using the mail icon to send a message or the trash can to remove items from your shopping cart. The best UI design approaches are produced by combining these cues, which prompt a user’s frame of reference.

Optimized For A Range Of Devices 

Is it mobile-friendly? Designers are frequently asked if they are creating a landing page for a website or a social media post. Making sure that a design is appropriate for various device sizes is crucial when it comes to best UI practises. There are several formats to take into account while designing because new phone sizes and gadgets are being created across the board, from iPhones and Androids to Google phones.

There are many different device sizes for desktops to take into account, ranging from tablets to different-sized laptops and desktops. In order to prevent the user from leaving the experience, it’s crucial to ensure that key information is not omitted or isn’t crammed onto a small screen. When it comes to responsive design, this is frequently referred to as breakpoints, where certain styles will remain the same on specific device sizes, while in other sizes the spacing starts to seem odd or content may even fall off the interface’s frame. For UI to be truly responsive and optimised for multiple devices, it is best practise to have various original design blueprints in various sizes.


When considering the best user interface practises, accessibility is another crucial aspect to take into account. confirming that a website or app complies with accessibility standards in terms of the colours it uses, the font sizes it uses, and the general content. You can use a variety of tools, such as Userway, to check colour compliance, for instance, to make sure the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines are being followed (AAA is best). This makes it easier for users of the interface who are colour blind to use it.

Alt text is another technique to keep in mind as it aids blind and visually impaired persons. This enables those who are blind or visually impaired to use screen readers to understand the material by having the image description read aloud to them.

Understanding Your Design Needs

To construct a useful and design-forward interface, one might adhere to a number of recommended UI practises. The key to building something truly innovative and successful is to apply these best practises, from interface components to type hierarchy, to overall optimization and accessibility. When a platform is user-friendly and feels natural, it has been thoughtfully designed with a purpose in mind.

Effective  Trends in Digital Design That you Need to Know

Design trends are changing to more fully and significantly utilise digital technologies as we investigate and approach a technologically advanced world. The three-dimensionalization of flat animations, the computer recreation of print textures, and more The first step in identifying the next design trend is to take note of what is currently being done and what appeals to consumers about a certain trend so it can be developed and applied.

Effective Trends in Digital Design

Here are a few design ideas for 2022 that are becoming increasingly popular in the marketing and design sectors!


Collaging is a method that often entails combining and positioning cutout images on a flat piece of paper. Through the use of objects and images that they already have in their possession rather than having to create them from scratch, collages let people express their creativity in abstract ways. The popularity of making collages on digital platforms has considerably expanded since the development of technology and programmes like Photoshop.

People can now include moving images, such as gifs, stickers, and illustrations, into collages by using digital software. These moving components enable people to produce captivating visuals and disseminate it to audiences worldwide. Before the popularity of Procreate and Photoshop, include illustrations required someone to first design a collage before pasting disparate photos together. Now, however, users can just draw in their illustrations and move stuff around with ease.

3D Design 

As individuals start to lean toward animating flat graphics into figures, three-dimensionality has also started to show in design trends today. Designers are incorporating parts of their designs into bubble models using technologies like Cinema 4d, Maya, etc. Although there were a lot of items and character designs in the early phases of the movement, designers are now figuring out ways to add three-dimensionality to font, texture, and other things.


People have started to notice the significant impact of videos while promoting a brand as a result of TikTok’s rise over time. Short videos can successfully express a message, create stories, develop brand story, and capture customers’ attention in a matter of seconds, as demonstrated by TikTok. This renders still photographs with lengthy written-out subtitles less required and intriguing to consumers.

Here, Cash App creates a brief animation of milk that has been spilled, making the words “cash app,” and then blending together. This draws the audience’s attention because it is a gif and has a straightforward design that does not distract the viewer.

3D Animation

The addition of music by businesses to animation gives 2D, 3D, and 4D graphics a stronger impact on viewers. People’s sense of hearing is affected by music, which can also make them experience an emotion in addition to what they are seeing. If a certain audience is familiar with the music via another well-known platform, sound may also appeal to them. TikTok is an illustration of how music can bring people from a certain audience together and allow a business to connect with them through sound.

Soft Gradients

Due to people’s fondness for solid figures, gradients were briefly abandoned; nevertheless, as time went on, people started to regret the immersiveness and suppleness that gradients bring to a design. Gradients also give designers the ability to subtly convey a sense of depth. In order to inspire a sense of serenity, many UI/UX designers will now advocate the usage of gradients in the background. The user will feel more inclined to buy a product or utilise a particular function more readily as a result.

Expressive Sans Serif 

While sans serif typefaces have been widely used for a long time because of its bold appearance and capacity to clearly convey a message, expressive sans serifs are becoming more and more popular among many firms catering to the younger demographic. Since many businesses are rebranding to use a straightforward sans-serif font as their primary typeface, designers are aware that this type needs to be both functional and expressive to differentiate the brand from competitors.

Grain/Riso Texture

People have concerned that designs will lose the sense of handmade quality that crafts gain as we start to move in a direction where digital platforms and forms of advertisement matter more than ephemera. Software advancements have made it possible to create textures like grain, riso, noise, etc. with only a click of a button. A design item can be modified to a person’s preference in addition to adding a “human-touch” sense.

Younger viewers are drawn to grain and riso-like textures because they give contemporary pieces a vintage air a la film photography, antique ephemera, and retro prints. The elderly demographic, who yearn for the past and experience nostalgia while viewing riso-inspired artwork, may find this to be appealing.

Retro Futuristic Colors

Retro colours are now being updated, which is another design trend that draws inspiration from the past. Designers are using saturated hues to appear futuristic and appeal to the younger generation while drawing influence from nostalgia for the 1990s. They’ve come to the realisation that younger audience members want to make a statement through loud, emotive tones. The brand and design should reflect the enthusiasm of the target audience in order to match the visual attractiveness of this group.

By Far released a line for summer 2022 in which the colour scheme veers away from the pastel soft tones and toward the vivid saturated tones that were frequently seen in posters from the 1990s. For instance, solid pink, purple, and green colours that have been brightened to meet the modern aesthetic can be seen in the 1995 film “Clueless.”


It’s critical for designers to be aware of design trends that appeal to modern consumers as we continue to embrace digital media as a means of communication and advertisement. Additionally, using digital media effectively and realising its ability to go beyond static visuals would help firms differentiate themselves from their rivals.

Performance Branding- A model  Shift in Marketing Strategies

The worlds of brand and performance marketing, once considered completely separate, are now merging – meet performance branding. 

Traditionally, brand marketing defines a company’s values, reputation, quality, and trustworthiness. Everything is aimed at building credibility with customers, which leads to emotional responses, positive perception, and customer loyalty. Performance marketing, on the other hand, is focused on concrete data measurements that most effectively lead to purchases at efficient cost. One is people-focused and value-oriented, while the other is data-focused and profit-oriented. And while both of these marketing approaches have obvious strengths, they both also fall short in different ways by ignoring major cornerstones of big-picture business strategy because it is not an aspect of their department’s focus.

No doubt, there is value in branding and performance individually. However, as overall acquisition costs continue to increase for businesses, the individual goals for branding and performance individually impede and tend to rely on each other due to siloed focuses. As a result, consistency has become key to driving conversion results and brand recall. 

Digital first ad world with unprecedented measurement capabilities has gradually pushed the two worlds of brand marketing and performance marketing to become more collaborative and codependent with time. An organization can’t focus or spend too much on branding because it will reflect on the ability to scale the business efficiently. Conversely, only trying to drive short-term conversions without fueling the funnel at the top will impact the ability to grow the business over time. 

As the gap between the two marketing approaches diminishes, a new approach has emerged that will define how brand and performance marketing will symbiotically drive growth for organizations. The new concept is known as performance branding.

What is performance branding? 

Performance branding is a cross-team strategy that incorporates brand thinking where it can deliver the best return. The framework applies creative brand rules and fundamentals throughout a measurable performance funnel to maximize revenue potential and increase brand lifetime value (LTV). The simplest way to put it is that you are building brand equity in the back of your media dollar. 

Working on both performance and branding can create a smooth transition from initiation to deployment and reporting. The smart growth approach is to incorporate brand awareness and engagement along with direct acquisition or retention fueled by performance marketing.

As of 2017, digital has been the leading channel by spend. Digital offers more data and, more importantly, the unprecedented ability to tie the brand campaigns back to MROI in ways that weren’t possible in the TV and radio worlds. In addition, the advancements in TV and offline ad tracking have pushed this trend even further. This leads to the need for brand consistency across platforms in a way that was not as necessary in the past as they all are more directly influential on each other. On the performance marketing side, running only middle- or bottom-funnel campaigns is not an efficient way to run performance marketing.

However, you may need more clarity on how previous marketing approaches are lacking and the ins and outs of Performance Branding. Let’s dive deeper into the following:

  1. Standard cross-channel marketing return on investment (MROI) approaches
  2. Understanding the value of Performance Branding
  3. Putting Performance Branding practices into action

Standard Cross-Channel MROI Approaches 

The last several years have brought new marketing trends, cross-channel needs, and evidence of marketing budget results to light that contribute to this new methodology. Below we’ll focus on four good reasons to make this switch into performance branding methods.

standard cross-channel MROI approaches such as marketing-mix modeling (MMM) and multi-touch attribution modeling (MTA) used to track the effectiveness of spend are often limited by the following:

  1. Overly focused on late funnel stages
  2. Focused on the past (historical data)
  3. Existing data sets are not sufficiently granular
  4. Struggle to account for the impact of message and creation
  5. The gap between MROI measurement and marketing execution
  6. Do not support real-time optimization

Understanding the Value of Performance Branding

Why is right now the best time for performance branding?

Digital marketing has sped up the expectations and results of marketing overall. Outcomes have become more measurable, spend has become convenient and fast, and the potential for conversions is now all over the place. This shift to more data-driven and digital-heavy approaches in the industry has created a huge opportunity to get the attention of consumers across channels using tried-and-true methods. It has also encouraged experimentation in the process to identify and seize shifting opportunities. Along this process, it has become important to maintain consistency in building brand and performance, which can be achieved when they both collaboratively work to achieve common goals instead of unintentionally canceling each other out due to a lack of communication. 

  • There is no longer a need to choose one discipline over the other.

By mixing brand and performance activities, marketers make a stronger impact and improve measurability. They use brand marketing to establish their personality and point of view over time, then add performance marketing to take their offer directly to buyers, all backed by hard data. Brands now pay equal attention to how they tell their story and the ways they target and measure their audience response. It’s no longer a choice between brand or performance marketing — it’s brand + performance marketing, working in harmony.

  • Increased privacy regulations and the move to a privacy friendly ad world by platforms will impact the amount of data available 

GDPR was a good example of this. Now, Apple’s iOS 14 update is expected to limit data available from app developers as the old opt-out approach is now switching to an opt-in approach. This attention to consumer data acquisition will most likely lead consumers to avoid those tracking capabilities and diminish the information available to marketers. The need for thorough and multi-channel data compilations for individual consumers will be glaringly obvious as you will need to capture user information whenever possible. That very need will reflect the importance of performance branding to solve for the limitations on data and consumer behaviors, as separate teams targeting incomplete user profiles individually will only complicate the issue further.

  • Broader marketing trends have been changing for several years. 

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, two trends were converging in the broader marketing landscape. The first was a major shift to streaming and digital platforms that has made brands more accessible to consumers on a large scale. The second trend, originating in the digital marketing space, was data-driven decision-making at a scale where consumers are no longer basing their actions on intuition or observation, but informed hard data-backed choices. Instead of consumers seeing an ad and acting immediately on the desire to buy the product, they are digging into the company. Newsletter signups, monitoring reviews, customer service outreach… consumers are not as quick to act on impulse as before, which is clear just by evaluating user re-visits to sites.

Putting Performance Branding practices in action

Recognizing the need for a change in marketing strategies does not mean there is a simple way to approach that shift. This is just the beginning of the turn, so there is no doubt that the next several years will reflect both the valuable and faulty strategies for doing so. However, there are important focuses that can help guide any brand into this new approach, all based on those who have already taken advantage of this powerful strategy and the core values of brand and performance today.

If we have learned anything from this last year, let it be the strength and value of adaptability. We have the power to respond to the changes happening around us, even if we don’t have the power to prevent them. And yes, that applies to marketing just as much as it does to our day-to-day.

Marketers are extremely valuable when they are able to adapt to changing attitudes and behaviors. The major changes happening in the realm of marketing are proving just that, so make sure that you are intentionally seeking out the most informed approach to the new normal. Trends are not going to slow down or fit themselves into your current strategies, so do not pretend that they will. Take advantage of this powerful approach to the digital take-over of marketing and start implementing performance branding into your growth strategies today.